Mar 19, 2013

Collages of Impression, Connection, & Inspiration


When I first got to the site that was assigned to us, it was not a very pleasant day. It was rainy, windy, and cold. The streets were completely abandoned and since the hurricane, some buildings still look in ruin. However, I looked pass its facade to see the potential it has to me. I personally love fishing and the feeling you get when you land the first of the day, not just that of course. I usually go with a group of my friends, sometime near dawn, and we’d just talk and laugh the night away, while having some drinks, sometimes playing some music. Good times...


To me connection can be interpreted in many definitions and forms. It doesn't necessarily  have to be physical contact, but can be an emotional one. The E-mail is a connection in the way of transferring data from one point to multiple ones. The wedding rings are two people eternal connection with one another. The hands demonstrate a physical connection, but it can mean so much more. Dancing is not only a physical connection, but a language of steps. The presents and the roses represent a deeper emotional connection to someone you love. Molecules are composed of connections and without those, there'd be nothing. At school, you are constantly making connections with all types of people. Fighting is a very strong connection between two. Then there are the literal ones, such as the jig-saw puzzle, the bridge, and the tin cans with the strings. Connections are everywhere, even if you aren't able to see them all. 


The universe is filled with an enormous bounty of the unexplored. Humans have been observing the stars since the beginning and we just started now to understand just a portion of it. For my Science Center/Observatory, I want the vast entities of the sky to give inspiration to my program and massing. Black holes have an immense force that pulls in and never lets go. Supernovas are the exact opposite. It's a release of a force of great magnitude. Fusion and gravity are what keeps planets stable and if these two factors were to tip out of balance, then a planet will be engulfed itself.  Our planet's magnetic field is what keeps us out of harms reach from the sun's radiation. The composition of distant planet's is a curious one as well, due to some being made a pure diamond. I would love to incorporate each of these ideas and have them work in synergy to produce something great.

Mar 10, 2013

Matrix & Bubble Diagram

Compilation Boards

By putting together a compilation board of all the diagrams I've made, I'm able to look at pick out what i like about the building and what i may want to implement into my own design.

Arizona Science Center
The dynamic geometry gives the feeling of science. The integrated courtyard is a nice feature as well.

Connecticut Science Center
It's very open to sunlight and keeping the programs in different parts of the building is convenient.

Detroit Science Center
The rectilinear form is nice, however it's very private. Somewhat of an industrial feel.

Griffith Observatory
Very symmetrical in geometry and the grand courtyard is quite nice. The central point is the main telescope.

Kitt Peak National Observatory 
Very nice edgy geometry for a telescope. It makes it unique from those circular ones we're used to.

 Liberty Science Center
It has a central core, which the other parts attach to. It uses basic shapes for its geometry.

NY Hall of Science 
It's a conglomeration many shapes giving each part of the building  a distinct look and feel.

 Steward Observatory
It looks like what it's supposed to be. A standard looking observatory.

Muturn National Observation Tower 
The radial symmetry and spiral motion is nice. The structure is able to stand on it's own.

Yerkes Observatory
Symmetrical in shape and the furthest point is the telescope. The rooms are separated by a main corridor. 

Mar 4, 2013

Circulation, Public vs. Private, and Organization

The circulation of any space is crucial, as it guides the visitors by the designer's intentional conveyance. The separation of private and pubic space supplement into it as well. You might not want the offices to be visible because it may disrupt the illusion. Lastly, by studying the organization, it allows me to have samples of what my building may consist of. 

Arizona Science Center

Connecticut Science Center

Liberty Science Center

Griffith Observatory

Yerkes Observatory

NY Hall of Science

Mar 3, 2013

Seattle Waterfront

Since our plot is located near a waterfront, an analysis of an existing one would greatly help in the development of our own. The one assigned to us is the one in Seattle, Washington.