Mar 19, 2013

Collages of Impression, Connection, & Inspiration


When I first got to the site that was assigned to us, it was not a very pleasant day. It was rainy, windy, and cold. The streets were completely abandoned and since the hurricane, some buildings still look in ruin. However, I looked pass its facade to see the potential it has to me. I personally love fishing and the feeling you get when you land the first of the day, not just that of course. I usually go with a group of my friends, sometime near dawn, and we’d just talk and laugh the night away, while having some drinks, sometimes playing some music. Good times...


To me connection can be interpreted in many definitions and forms. It doesn't necessarily  have to be physical contact, but can be an emotional one. The E-mail is a connection in the way of transferring data from one point to multiple ones. The wedding rings are two people eternal connection with one another. The hands demonstrate a physical connection, but it can mean so much more. Dancing is not only a physical connection, but a language of steps. The presents and the roses represent a deeper emotional connection to someone you love. Molecules are composed of connections and without those, there'd be nothing. At school, you are constantly making connections with all types of people. Fighting is a very strong connection between two. Then there are the literal ones, such as the jig-saw puzzle, the bridge, and the tin cans with the strings. Connections are everywhere, even if you aren't able to see them all. 


The universe is filled with an enormous bounty of the unexplored. Humans have been observing the stars since the beginning and we just started now to understand just a portion of it. For my Science Center/Observatory, I want the vast entities of the sky to give inspiration to my program and massing. Black holes have an immense force that pulls in and never lets go. Supernovas are the exact opposite. It's a release of a force of great magnitude. Fusion and gravity are what keeps planets stable and if these two factors were to tip out of balance, then a planet will be engulfed itself.  Our planet's magnetic field is what keeps us out of harms reach from the sun's radiation. The composition of distant planet's is a curious one as well, due to some being made a pure diamond. I would love to incorporate each of these ideas and have them work in synergy to produce something great.


  1. The collages are evocative. They are a great start toward architectural interpretation. have the confidence to let the images speak for themselves and do not get mired in lexicon. Take the zeitgeist of the imagery and while you are still in the moment apply it immediately to what you would like to see happen on your site. Stay loose and do not be too literal at this point...but stay in the moment and move forward. This is the time to start your momentum that will carry you through the development of your ideas.

  2. This is a very complex set of images, and your written text conveys your thoughts fairly clearly. The 'impression' connection with the site and the fishing collage is good, but seem a little unfocused. Making the jump and moving on to 'connection' is good. I can see you are thinking on multiple levels of both literal and figurative relationahips, which will be helpful in your design programme. The strongest part of this assignment is your understanding of 'inpsiration'. You should keep these ideas in the forefront of your mind as your continue to develop your building's appearance, structure, your site, and even to eventual display areas and exhibits. This last part seems to be the most developed of your thought process. Try not to make jumps of intellect too broad or abstract so that a potential user will not be able to intuitively and physically navigate and understand your design and methodology.
